“Our difficulties are not obstacles to the path;
they are the path itself.”
– Ezra Bayda
Heart Insight is a meditation group that meets weekly at Mindful Psychology in Woolloongabba QLD (Australia). The group was established over a decade ago by a small number of friends who wanted to sit together and be inspired by listening to dharma talks. Since then the group has evolved into a dynamic self-organised meditation group (sangha) which is supported by a number of senior Australian contemporary meditation teachers from the Theravada Vipassana (insight) and Zen traditions. The group is not overly religious or ritualistic and its members come from a variety of backgrounds. All are welcome. No individuals profit from the group’s operations, it has always been run by volunteers and donations on the night to cover the cost of renting a space, supporting visiting teachers or not-for-profit charities. Find out more about the group’s history below.

evening schedule
30min meditation
45min dharma talk
30min discussion
15min tea break
In the tradition of dana (generosity), teachings are offered freely – those that wish to support the continuation of the group and the teacher’s offerings, can do so via donation boxes on the night.
There is one box for the visiting teacher and one box for a charity which supports the education of children from poor families at the Prajna Vihar School in Bodhgaya, India.

Frequently asked
Does the group have any rituals?
No. The closest we get to a ritual is each going around and saying our names at the start of the night. There’s no hocus pocus in this, just a way to remember each other’s names and connect.
Yes. We welcome meditators of all levels. However, generally the teacher doesn’t offer introductory meditation instructions. See the learn to meditate section for resources and talks to get you started.
Which Buddhist traditions does the group associate with?
While we welcome and value meditators from any tradition or background, generally the teachers leading the group align loosely with the Theravada (Insight) and Zen traditions. Most of our members have practiced in a variety of traditions and draw from a diverse range of practice experiences.
Heart Insight does not run retreats. The group holds a day of silent meditation on the first Saturday each month (except January) at the Quakers Meeting House, Kelvin Grove. See the calendar for the next day of meditation.
There are a number of fantastic retreats taught by teachers and others in the tradition around Australia. Go to www.dharma.org.au for more information. The Heart Insight newletter often has information about retreats and related events.
Do I have to sit on the floor?
No, you are welcome to use one of the chairs available. We encourage members to sit comfortably and be kind to their bodies.
During the silent meditation period you are welcome to sit, stand or lie down however generally most find sitting the most appropriate posture for the evening.
Does the group sit every Thursday night?
Yes, the group meets every Thursday of the year. The group may take a short break over Christmas/New Year.
The group has a weekly mailing list and facebook page which outlines the topic for the coming Sunday any other upcoming events that may be of interest.
We also have a calendar which lists upcoming dharma talks planned for the coming month.
What is now the Heart Insight group started out in the late 1990s when a small but dedicated group of Buddhist meditators began meeting regularly in various lounge rooms around West End. Patrick Kearney was the group’s first teacher.
After a number of moves including to SWARA behind the Roma Street railway station, in the mid-2000s the group found a name and a long-term home at Core Yoga in Vulture Street. Over the next ten or so years Heart Insight had the benefit of a number of teachers (regular and ad hoc) in the Insight Meditation tradition including Geoff Simpson, Patrick Kearney, Victor von der Heyde, NeLi Martin and Lynn Kelly. In 2017 Lulu Cook joined the group and soon became its lead teacher.
Heart Insight moved to Haiku Arts & Yoga at the beginning of 2018 and was there until 2020 when the group went online due to COVID. The group now meets every Thursday evening at Mindful Psychology in Woolloongabba as well as continuing the online Sunday evening meditation.
The current members of Heart Insight recognise and appreciate the dedication of volunteers and past members.
For more, see this history of the Insight Meditation community in Australia.
For an email on what’s happening at Heart Insight each week.
Follow Heart Insight
A weekly sitting group exploring meditation practice and the liberating insights of the Buddha.